Saturday, October 14, 2006


Recent highlights:
-I got to hang out with some of the most amazing people in the past few weeks: Brian Mashburn, Emily Wallace, Tyler Casey, Rebekah Gunter and Staci Wilson (and her grandparents who make really amazing food)
-Walked into the student center and saw my cousin's face on a poster randomly. His band from Dallas, Titan Moon, was performing at a local coffee shop, so I got a surprise visit with him.
-I finally decided to join the ultimate frisbee team and go to practices on a regular basis.
-My roommate and I recently won a spades tournament and got $50 each. That is the equivalent of 40 pounds of Twizzlers from Wal-Mart.
-Got to partake in a 12-pound brisket and 30 cheddar-braut feast tonight. I might just cry when I have to eat in the cafeteria tomorrow...


At 7:05 PM, Blogger Clarke Goodman said...

hey, it's the 23rd and you know what that means... put another stinkin post on.


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