Acts of Love
I hate it when I say something and immediately regret it. So many times, for whatever reason, I act insensitive and come across as a jerk. Sorry to everyone who has been on the receiving end of my callous acts. I really am trying to get better.
Sometimes, it's not even when I say or do things that might hurt other people. It's the stuff I don't do. I don't go and talk to a kid sitting by himself at lunch because I am with friends and don't want to miss out. I don't compliment my friends on the things they do well or if they look nice that day. I don't make eye contact and say 'hi' to strangers as I walk past them. I don't ask how people how their day has been because I don't care. I don't talk to the person behind the counter at lunch or at a store. I don't want to go out of my way for people, even if I know I can help.
I want to do more things that are an overflow of God's love in me. Even small things like opening a door for someone or not judging them or being genuinely interested in them instead of faking small talk. I am truly sorry to everyone who hasn't seen Jesus in me. That's my fault. I ask for your patience as I try to show love in the things I do, say and think. I pray that God will help me do a little better each day.
haha, thanks mate but i can definitely be described by those words at times
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