Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Book of John

I wasn't sure what I wanted to talk about in my first blog, so I decided to talk about one of my favorite books, the book of John from the Bible. I once tried to memorize John, but could never get past the first chapter because it was so full of meaning. Well, mostly because I was lazy and memorizing takes a lot of time for me. I love the way John writes. He is able to say so many profound things, that I am constantly having to stop and just take in what he said. If you have never read it before, I would encourage you to start by reading the first 18 verses or so. John says stuff like "In Him (the Word) was life and that life was the light of men", and from what I understand "the Word" is not the Bible but Jesus. John makes it abundantly clear that grace, truth and life come through the "One and Only", which is Jesus once again. John's words made me stop and rethink what Jesus meant to me. Jesus wasn't just a sacrifice for my sins. He was also a bringer of life, 'life to the full' as he later says in John 10:10. And knowing that He wants me to have life that can only be found in Him makes me want to seek after Him even more.


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